Abbreviated Training vs. Typical Bodybuilder and Powerlifter Programs

by Steve Kane

People like Peary Rader, J. C. Hise, and Mark Berry knew the proper training protocols for the average person who aspire to gain as much muscle and strength within their genetic limits.  Typical bodybuilder and powerlifter training programs are for genetically-gifted people who can thrive on such programs that would otherwise cause significant overwork and potential injury to average trainees.
My current training is limited to 1-2 sets of three compound exercises: dumbbell squats, pushups/dips, and assisted chins/bodyweight rows. I perform this brief workout every 5-7 days.  At my advanced age - I am 68 years old - this is plenty of work, as I take 1 set of each exercise close to failure within the 6-12 rep range.

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Abbreviated Training For Strength Gains
by: Lee


Your training regimen provides a clear roadmap to what works for the typical trainee wanting to get fit and strong. Abbreviated Training vs. Bodybuilder and Powerlifter Workouts? It appears the ironmen of yesteryear knew a thing or two about strength training, as evidenced by your terrific gains!


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