"How Can Partial Reps End Your Year with a Bodybuilding Bang?"

Discover how partial reps add 30 pounds to your bar and instantly reduce recovery time.

Power of Partials

The big day is almost upon us. A time for celebration and spending time with friends and family. 

But before you go reaching for the mulled wine and mistletoe, I want to ask you a question: how would you like an early New Year present in your stocking that is guaranteed to make your workouts go with a bodybuilding bang?

Well, the training tip I am about to share with you does all this and more.

Deadlift Dilemma

Now, most folks would say, the barbell deadlift gives loads of bang for your bodybuilding buck. And many more would agree, how this exercise carries a venomous sting in its tail due to the way the movement works the lower back region so rigorously...

Because of these factors, the deadlift demands plenty of rest and recovery time between sessions. The result? You can't train deadlifts often.

Yet, what if there was a way you could reduce your recovery times between workouts…

And what if you could ALSO increase the weight on your bar by 30 or more pounds at your very next training session?

Doesn't that sound like the perfect New Year gift?

Prepare to say hello to partials!

Partial Reps to Skyrocket Strength

Partial reps get a bad press with many of the modern lifting "experts" coming out against them. They claim this style of lifting only provides partial results, are dangerous, and that they will hurt you.

Are these experts right?

Legendary strongman Paul Anderson would disagree and for good reason: with the right know-how, partial reps can help skyrocket your strength into the stratosphere faster than Santa making his deliveries!

It's true. Partials are powerful stuff. And in the training tip below, I'll show you how to quickly add more iron onto your bar and boost your recovery times too.

Here is what you do.

  • At your next deadlift workout, place two blocks beneath the discs so the bar reaches just under your kneecaps when you stand.
  • Now add 30 extra pounds onto your normal 10 rep training weight. (For example, if you normally perform 10 reps at 400 pounds, your new weight becomes 430 pounds.) 
  • Finally, place your feet about 12 inches apart, keep your back straight and your neck tucked in as you begin to lift.

Partial Reps vs Full Range

You will notice a couple of things: Firstly, your bar will go up easily. Why did that happen? Well, we can thank a reduced range of motion for its helping hand - dialling down the usual ROM by 5-8 inches can work wonders in allowing more iron on your bar due to the shorter range.

Secondly, there's a further thing that happens, although you won't notice it right away. Your recovery times will improve.

How come? It just so happens, reducing the range also saves your lower back region from its usual beating. Here is why many elite lifters have found they can perform rack pulls more frequently and recover better.

1950s champion lifter and coach Harry Paschall is a fan. 60 years ago, Paschall made deadlifts from blocks the "growth" exercise of his training programs, achieving amazing results.

So why not give them a try? They make a fantastic New Year present and will help you end the year with a bodybuilding bang!


My upcoming Kindle book "Bodybuilding Blackjack" covers the power of partial repetitions in greater detail. Be the first to hear when it comes out, by simply clicking the link below...

Bodybuilding Blackjack

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