"Strength Standards - Are You Strong Enough to Gain Size?"

Discover the strength standards you must meet in order to gain mass and size.

Mass Gain Results

Over the past few weeks, we've talked about the recent Mass Gains Study conducted by author and coach Pete Sisco.

Also, we've explained how "freakish" increases in size can be achieved using abbreviated workouts. (If you missed any of these posts, I have included a link for you at the bottom of this article.) 

In response, we had a stack of letters drop in our mailbox asking about mass gains and the role strength increases play in its development. One question that continually cropped up was, how much strength must you build in order to see any improvements in size? 

It's an important question, so I posted some numbers for you along with some useful "strength standards" you need to meet. If you missed it, you can find the figures here...

Strength Standards and Muscle Growth 

Strength Standards

Okay. So let's say you work hard in the gym and hit these strength targets. What kind of mass gain results can you expect to see? 

Before we get into that, you need to be aware of this: these are just general guidelines. Because the strength-to-size relationship is not uniform among all individuals, some folks will have to get considerably stronger to hit these muscular girths.

Some numbers.

  • When you can squat 400 pounds, bench press 300 pounds, and deadlift 500 pounds for single lifts in good form - you can expect to grow your biceps to 16 inches and chest to 45 inches at a lean bodyweight of 190 pounds.
  • For reps, this would see you benching 250x6, squatting 300x10, and deadlifting 350x10. (For barbell curls, shoot for 100x5.)

Why these numbers? It just so happens, the guidelines above are consistent with many of the strength-to-size charts you will typically find from guys like IRON MAN'S David Willoughby and "The Complete Keys to Progress" author John McCallum. 

Strength Summit

If these numbers sound modest to you, remember they are enough to set you apart from 95% of gym members in any part of the world. For sure, you won't win Mr. Olympia, but these figures will see you very near the summit of the strength standard charts. 

And what if these strength targets sound incredible to you? Well, just remember we all have to start somewhere, and that the most amazing journeys always begin with that very first step. 

If you find yourself a million miles from these figures, then begin with the minimum strength numbers. Make this more reachable target your goal, because that's how significant strength is built - with steady and planned progress. 

This kind of steady and planned progress saw lifters on Pete Sisco's Mass Gain Study gain size and muscle at almost "freakish" rates. And these weren't college kids with testosterone levels through the roof. These were guys over the age of 50! 

To learn more about this Mass Gains Study, check out my article below... 

Mass Gain Results from People Like You

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