3 Day Diet

by Adam

I looked on the internet, oh, btw I'm 13, but I dieted for three days and lost 6 pounds. But coz I get hungry, I had purple/green grapes to snack on and I'm still obese coz I gave up...but I did look slightly different.

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A True Champion
by: Muscle by John

Dear Adam, my tears are many as I think about your tremendous bravery. I will stand by you in any way I can to assist and equip you, with knowledge and encouragement.

I salute your courage to stand up and say "I need help"! Well. Help is on the way, my boy...you have come forward in the nick of time, as you are at the age where your metabolic rate will be set for life.

From today on, we are going to change it for the GOOD.
  1. You are ultimately responsible for your own health, do not wait for your friends, you need to increase your activity and the best way to do that is to go out and walk.

  2. Do this alone and you will take pride in yourself, but Consistency IS the secret.

  3. I tell my kids to walk the distance of one set of lamp posts on their street, then trot for the second set. Repeat this Run / Walk alternately for five or six lamp posts and return walking out the return distance. As the weeks go by, you will walk and run faster and further. Try adding a lampost every three days, do this seven day a week and let me know how you feel.

Fad Diet Dangers
by: Lee

Hi Adam,

I'm glad you found us, and are eager to lose weight and get in shape. As our fellow contributor John highlights in his article below, obesity is a widespread problem affecting many people, not only here in the UK, but across the pond in the US too.

So if we may offer some weight loss tips for you:
  • Begin a weight training program today. If time is an issue, there are some easy-to-follow abbreviated programs on our site with routines that will take you minutes to perform. Since you are 13 and your body is still developing, I would suggest you practice high repetitions of 15-20 and to keep your weights moderately light, as your safety is important. Resistance training is a great METABOLISM BOOSTER and will help you burn fat.

  • Beware of fad diets. Why? They simply don't work. A 3 day diet will not help you. The only way to lose weight and keep the fat off, is to eat healthy and balanced foods. This means you MUST consume adequate carbohydrate, protein and essential fats at mealtimes. All three macronutrients are equally important, as your body receives its nutrients from these basic food groups. Please note: you will never lose fat if you are not eating correctly, as the body goes into a thing called "starvation mode". To lose body fat, you MUST EAT.

  • Be patient. At 13 you are still growing, so please realize much of your body fat will naturally melt away as you develop and reach adulthood. In the meantime, try to steer clear of convenience foods and sugary snacks. Not only will your bathroom scales reward you with a continuing weight loss, but you will FEEL GREAT in your new, lean body too!

Good luck, let us know how you get on, and please be sure to check out the following article: Being Overweight and the Highway to Obesity

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