by Lee
Looking to ramp up the intensity for your weighted dips? Try training with partials.
Partial training means you only use the strongest range of a movement, or in this case, the top few inches.
How effective are partials? Strongman Paul Anderson employed partial training to great success with the barbell squat, and would go on to routinely hoist 1800 pounds, which is just shy of a ton. (That is a LOT of iron!)
Just like the squat exercise, weighted dips respond well to this style of training, and you will be pleasantly surprised by how much more weight you can handle. For example: can you perform the parallel bar dip with 100 pounds fastened around your middle? Then expect to add an extra 20 or more pounds to your belt. The benefits to you? More intensity!
Jun 29, 20 11:35 AM
Apr 23, 18 05:22 AM
Sep 25, 17 10:50 AM