Comments for Soloflex Workouts

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Soloflex Workouts vs Traditional Workouts
by: Lee

Hi Pete

Thanks for that. And you're right; the Soloflex workouts ARE the same.

The only significant difference between Soloflex workouts and Soloflex exercises when compared to traditional workouts and exercises, is the combination of resistance straps and free weights. This magic combo definitely makes your strength training workouts intense!


Get the 'burn'
by: anthony malizia

Using the soloflex is totally like working out in a different 'world'. For me, when working a specific muscle group, it's like you get the burn you desire simply by adding enough resistence with the bands. I haven't used the free weight option, but with enough time, plan to incorporate that into my workouts.

The soloflex has been sitting in my dad's attic since '84, and I recently pulled it out and started working on it. The intense burn I have in my abs alone tell me that it's like a different workout all in itself - I never felt that before and it's a great feeling to have.

Well - that's it for now, I'll keep posting my success and/or opinions of the muscle machine that's been abandoned and attic-bound for over 20 years. lol - thanks for reading...

Soloflex straps
by: Lee

Soloflex straps can make a big difference to the "feel" of an exercise, and can give you a great burn. The option to use free weights and resistance bands together also takes your workouts to another level - you will really enjoy incorporating this combination into your strength training.

For example, I currently use Soloflex straps and free weights together on the squat exercise, and was impressed by how the muscle machine performed - the guys at Soloflex really mean it when they say their machines are "bomb-proof"!

Great to think your dad's Soloflex machine is enjoying a new lease of life, and look forward to hearing your future posts ;-)

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