"Best Muscle Building Supplements - Top Supplements for Muscle Building Guide"

Don't know your magnesium from your beta carotene?

Discover the best muscle building supplements in your easy-to-follow guide.

Muscle Building Without Supplements?

There is a popular myth which states, "if you eat right, you don't need to take supplements". Is this true? Can you REALLY build muscle without supplements?

Despite what some dietitians and experts might tell you, there is a sound, scientific basis for supplementation - a fact borne out by The National Institutes of Health who recognize the role nutritional supplements play in physically active people's lives.

Gone are the days when your food supplies all your nutrient needs. Today, the prudent trainee uses supplements to fill in the missing nutrient blanks.

Once upon a time, our foods did this job for us. However, in our current climate, it is extremely difficult to predict with any accuracy the nutrient value of our various foods. In view of this, it makes sense to supplement wisely, thus providing your body with ALL the vital nutrients you require to function optimally.

So what are the best muscle building supplements to use?

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Photo courtesy of Noodles and Beef

Recommended Muscle Building Supplements

In case you are wondering, it is not necessary - and certainly not practical - to take handfuls of different supplements everyday. Happily, your best muscle building supplements can be compressed into four or five different supplements, each combining to fulfill your muscle building supplement requirements.

The most common combinations are:

  • Multivitamin (containing vitamins A, B, C, D and E), and
  • Multi-mineral
  • Vitamin C (1000 mg).

The above will provide you with a baseline supplement to meet your body's requirements. In addition to this, you should ALSO consider supplemental fish oil since it is rich in EPA (an essential fatty acid).

The following numbers provide a guide to what makes the best muscle building supplement:

The Best Muscle Building Supplements - Your Easy-to-Follow Guide

    1. Multivitamin.

    A good general multivitamin should contain at least 7500 ius of A, 400 ius of D, 100 ius of E, 250 mg of C, 50 mg each of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, 10 mcg of B12, and 50 mcg each of folic acid and biotin. These anti-oxidants not only aid your muscle building, but help when lowering high blood pressure naturally.

    For your Willy Wonka's Reduce Your Risk Remedy, see Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

    2. Multi-mineral.

    Your multi-mineral should provide 500-1000 mg of calcium, 250-400 mg of magnesium, 200 mcg of chromium, 15 mg of zinc, and 200 mcg of selenium.

    Is your calcium tablet causing you harm? To discover your heart attack risk, see Calcium Supplements Side Effects

    3.Natural vitamin C - 500-1000 mg.

    Your vitamin C is worth taking separately, because the amount you need will not fit into a general multivitamin. The supplement should provide 1000 mg of vitamin C with 25 mg of bioflavanoids or other synergistic factors, such as rosehip or berry extracts to aid assimilation.

    4. Fish oil/Essential fats - 3 grams (approx 500 mg of EPA).

    There are two ways of meeting your essential fat requirements: one is to consume two tablespoons of a cold-pressed Omega 3 and Omega 6 blend (flax and pumpkin; sesame, sunflower and evening primrose); and another is to supplement with concentrated oils. Important tip: if choosing to supplement this way, be sure your fish oil is molecularly distilled to ensure any contaminants have been removed.

    5. Muscle building shakes.

    Providing your body with the necessary muscle building fuel can present a problem for the typical trainee. Eating well, and fulfilling your daily protein requirements, will oftentimes be overlooked thereby compromising your efforts in and out of the gym.

    Here is where homemade muscle building shakes can prove so invaluable. And the best part? You can create nutritious and inexpensive protein shakes direct from your blender.

    For more great tips, see Weight Gain Supplements For Building Muscle

    6. Painkiller perils.

    Do you pop painkillers to ease the aches and strains of your training? Recent research shows you could be putting your health - and your heart - at risk.

    Scientists came to this shocking conclusion following a study of more than 30,000 patients. Their research showed how users of Ibuprofen were 40% more likely to develop an irregular hearth rhythm, which can commonly lead to heart attack risk factors such as stroke or heart failure.

    These figures become even more alarming when you consider how 9 million people in Britain take this over-the-counter non-steroidal drug (NSAID) every day.

    Searching for home remedies to Arteriosclerosis? Arteriosclerosis refers to the thickening of the walls of the arteries, and is usually preceded by atherosclerosis, a kind of fatty infiltration in the inner lining of the blood vessel walls.

In Summary

"Eating right" is only part of your muscle building equation. Don't know your magnesium from your beta carotene?

The best muscle building supplements will provide your body with the nutrients to grow.

Now let's check out some more pill-popping magic courtesy of The Jam...


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