How to Build Muscle Quickly... 5 Deadly Training Sins

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ant to know how to build muscle quickly?

Avoid these 5 deadly training sins and begin building muscle today!

5 Deadly Training Sins and How to Build Muscle Fast

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There are 5 deadly training sins you must avoid if you want to build muscle quickly. Since effective training ALSO depends on knowing what DOES NOT WORK, it is crucial you do your best to evade them.

As you go through the list, check your current exercise regimen by it point for point.

This careful examination will guide you in discovering just how many of these deadly sins stand between you and your fitness success!

Photo courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt

How to Build Muscle Quickly - 5 Deadly Training Sins to Avoid

    1. Your workout is too big. Knowing how to build muscle quickly and the strength to go with it, starts with this most deadly sin. If your current muscle building routine consists of a dozen or more exercises and you are failing to gain, more likely than not, your routine's size is the culprit. So what is the solution? Abbreviated training should be your first choice when building muscle quickly and improving fitness. Think abbreviated workouts are only for beginners? Not true! Some great physiques have been built using only a handful of PROVEN muscle building exercises. What has worked before, can also work for you!

    2. Poor exercise choice. Your selection of exercises will impact not only your gains, but your routine's efficacy. Effective strength training for the regular guy depends on smart exercise choices. Does your workout currently include lateral raises or dumbbell curls? Ditch them in favor of TRUE mass builders like the dip exercise and the chin up. The big exercises should dominate when building an effective strength training program, including some variation of the squat exercise or deadlift.

    3. Training too often. Are you training 3 or more times a week? Your training frequency can seriously inhibit any progress you might make. The science of muscle building shows human musculature requires adequate recovery time to grow - shortcut this process, and all your hard work in the gym counts for nought. What does this mean to you? It means the typical trainee should allow a minimum of 3-5 days recovery between workouts, and in some cases, perhaps even longer. So be sure to exercise caution along with your muscles!

    4. Lack of consistency. Do you flit from one strength training routine to the next? Do you constantly change exercises in the belief variety will bring you greater gains? This is a particular failing of the beginner, yet it can so easily be remedied. The solution? Work hard at getting stronger on the big lifts like the squat or deadlift, and be prepared to continue with THE SAME unchanged routine for as long as it continues to yield results. 'Exercise should be systematic, persistent, and thorough', stated the godfather of muscle building, Eugene Sandow. The great man was right.

    5. Unstructured training intensity. The typical trainee either trains too hard or not hard enough. Moreover, this strength training intensity is unstructured. Learning how to build muscle quickly requires some method of cycling intensity. Why? The typical trainee will struggle to train flat-out all the time due to the stresses encountered when building muscle size. The solution? Cycle your workouts. Aim to add a pound or so to your exercise bar every few workouts, and you will make gradual, unhindered progress in your quest to build muscle quickly.

    For more strength training tips, see Endless Human Potential: Functional Strength and Conditioning - your free online resource for functional strength and conditioning, fitness, health and athletic development. We teach REAL fitness, not just the appearance of fitness.

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